Fast Ways to Lose Weight

Fast Ways to Lose Weight - How the Best Plans Work

lose-weight-fast-planAre you searching for fast ways to lose weight that are easy? Forget the expensive, well known diet plans. Most people believe that the only way to lose weight is by counting calories or carbohydrates. You've heard of plenty of other fast ways to lose weight - fasting, diet pills, fad diets like eating cabbage soup for a week. The weight you lose using these methods is water weight, and it WILL come back. You must have calories in order to achieve fast weight loss.

When you go on super low calorie or starvation diets, your metabolism gets sluggish and you don't burn calories! By learning what foods burn fat the most efficiently and learning how to use these foods, your metabolism burns up calories like crazy. (By Teresa_Tackett)

Are You Fasting For Health Or For Weight Loss?

fasting for healthFasting has become increasingly popular as of late. Fasting for health is fine, but fasting for weight loss is not such a great idea, for several reasons.

Fasting for weight loss doesn't work as well as you'd hope. If you're consuming less water, the first type of weight you'll lose during your fast... is water weight. That water weight comes right back.

Even if you get your water intake right, you are fighting your body's natural inclinations if you fast for weight loss. Fasting causes the body's metabolism to slow down. Fasting for health is perfectly fine. But if your goal is weight loss, consider calorie shifting instead of fasting. (By Aaron_Patterson

Fasting to Lose Weight

Starting Fasting to lose weight is easy as giving up fast food for about a week or two. Fasting consists of giving up those fatty foods and drinks like alcohol for a certain amount of time, and going through a time where you really want to start fasting to lose weight.

There's also a term called health fitness fasting which involves a lot of healthy eating like eating all your vegetables on the plate, not snacking on junk food and a lot of fitness exercises which include sit-ups, push-ups, and crunches. Then you can really dedicate yourself to losing a few pounds during this fastin Dale_W_Smith g period. If you want to start fasting to lose weight you will. Make sure to try the health fitness fasting technique, you want to be healthy while you do this. (By Dale_W_Smith)


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[...] people say they loseweight fasting yet fasting doesn’t lean toward long term weight loss. Gradually lowering the amount of [...]

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