Dieting Tips

Simple Dieting Tips & Healthy Eating Plans - Chocolate Diet V Low Fat Chicken Recipes

dieting tipsDid you ever hear the likes, a "chocolate diet?" The chocolate diet is just one of many fad diets which include you eating favorite foods. The diet mainly consists of fluids. Chocolate contains anti-oxidants that help prevent arteries clogging. Chocolate prevents heart disease and obesity increases the risk of heart disease. Chocolate powder shakes are not for replacing or substituting meals, but designed as healthy snacks to stop a rumbling belly. The question is does the chocolate diet work.. While chocolate does have health benefits, a diet with an emphasis in chocolate may not be the best way to lose weight. To shed pounds stick with a sensible eating plan.

Diet - Throughout the day you can munch two 40 gram bars of chocolate and drink sugar-free coffee with non-fat milk. Make eating exciting and appetizing, mix chocolate chips with strawberries in a glass bowl. You have to take the chocolate diet for 5-7 days and no longer. The chocolate diet is a decreased calorie diet that centers on drinking liquid diet shakes to fill the gap. Before dieting speak to your doctor or dietician

The sensible thing to do is ignore fad diets and embark on the sensible by following a sensible eating plan. Choose the wrong diet can be dangerous - seek expert advice. Crash dieting is unhealthy. Weight loss is for more than just losing pounds. Exercise is necessary but it won't replace a diet. Consider a low-key diet that aims at healthy foods:

Choose an apple over a chocolate bar.

A sensible and healthy eating plan will include between 1200 and 1400 calories daily for women and 1500 to 1800 calories for men. Chicken breast is a good source of protein also low in fat. Two recipes below cooked in 15-30 minutes, low in fat, and under 400 calories a serving

Chicken & Vegetable Kebabs

4 Blocks of egg noodles 2 Skinless chicken breasts 1 Jar/195g yellow bean sauce 3 Button mushrooms 1 Medium courgette ½ yellow & red pepper 1 Olive oil 4 spring onions 1 red chilli Wooden skewers. Method : Add ¾ jar of yellow bean sauce and stir coating the chicken.

Preheat grill.

Prepare mushrooms into quarters; slice courgette. Slice peppers into squares. Heat through.

Serve kebabs over noodles.

Chicken Pancakes : 1 Tablespoon olive oil 3 Skinless chicken breasts 1 Jar hoi sin spring onion stir fry sauce 1 Bunch spring onions 1 Cucumber 8 Chinese pancakes :

1. Slice spring onions lengthways into 3"strips.

2. Thinly cut chicken into strips.

3. Heat oil in wok till piping hot, add chicken and stir fry for 7- 8 minutes

5. Add stir fry sauce to cooked chicken - coat and heat through.

6. Serve chicken spring onions and cucumber onto pancake - roll and serve

(By Kacy_Carr)

The Atkins Diet - What Is It And How Can It Work For Me?

With his diet plan it enabled patients to lose weight quickly so surgery was possible and patients could be undertaken. Helping countless people loose weight dramatically.

HOW IT WORKS : The diet works by changing the body's metabolism with the digestion of different food products. So, the Atkins Diet is a high-protein, high fat, and a very low-carbohydrate dieting plan. Also, part of the Atkins Diet plan is that exercise is recommended, so it is common that dieters with this plan will in fact lose weight and keep fit. Although vitamin and mineral supplements (which can be taken together with the diet plan or gained through the food that is in the diet plan), are advised to be taken during the course of the diet as essentials for the body's vital use.

That seemed against all principals of dieting. In the past, carbohydrates and fatty products were considered a definite no-no and to avoid, with the Atkins Diet plan, they actually recommend concentrating on certain foods, which were restricted on other diet plans. It is probably one of the most successful diet plans to come out in recent times. The sales of books and diet plans have probably been enormous. (By Elaine_Olden)


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