Exercise Weight

Using An Elliptical Trainer For Weight Loss And Fitness

[caption id="attachment_385" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Exercise Weight Loss"]Exercise Weight Loss[/caption]

My second favorite form of cardio exercise is using an elliptical trainer (First is mountain biking). Elliptical trainers make your weight loss cardio program quiet, low impact, and challenging.

Elliptical trainers are kind of a combination of rowing, cross country skiing, and bicycling. A high quality elliptical trainer is very solid, (No jerky motions) quiet, and usually comes with a display that will let you know the amount of time you have been riding, calories burned, mileage, etc.

I prefer using an elliptical trainer because of the full body workout plus the fact I can watch TV, listen to music, or even read while I am riding. The sound of a high quality elliptical trainer will not disturb others in your home. Even the busiest people I know watch at least a half hour of TV per day, now you can combine your exercise, weight loss routine with your TV time!

When it comes to elliptical trainers - Quality Counts! Cheap elliptical trainers do not provide a fluid motion and can sometimes feel jerky. A high quality elliptical machine will have a "natural" feel while you are riding. How can you incorporate riding an elliptical machine into your weight loss program? First off theoretically speaking, 3500 calories represents one pound of fat. If you eat 3500 more calories than your body needs it will be stored as a pound of fat, if you consume 3500 less calories than your body needs it will burn 1 pound of stored energy resulting in fat loss. Why are you talking about consuming fewer calories? I thought this was an article about elliptical machines and weight loss!
The key here is; "consuming fewer calories than your body needs". Rather than focusing on how to consume fewer calories we are going to think of our elliptical workouts as a way to cause our bodies to need more calories.

Set a goal to eat as you normally do and ride the elliptical trainer for 3500 calories over a week's time. Let's say you are someone who is not so stable in your consumes/needs bank. You are consuming many more calories than you are burning. Ride your elliptical trainer consistently and do your best to make it a ritual that you enjoy. (Article Summary by Bill Herren).


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