Strength Exercise

Strength Training Basics

[caption id="attachment_303" align="alignleft" width="231" caption="Strength Exercise"]Strength Exercise[/caption]

Strength training

Strength training is a form of anaerobe exercise that has the goal of increasing strength of skeletal muscles. Strength Training Principles:
There are three fundamental elements to a successful strength training program

Specificity : Gains in strength are dependent on the muscle group used, and movement pattern performed

Gains in strength are not necessarily due to increased muscle size or cross sectional area. As a results increased strength and load-bearing capacity is achieved . There are many theories as to why strength training results in muscle growth. (By Are Kallak)

How To Find The Best Strength And Stamina Exercise Equipment

Finding the best strength building and stamina exercise equipment is a little easier than cardio equipment. Strength building and stamina exercise equipment can include weight machines, Bowflex machines, free weights and a few other methods as well.

Free Weights

Free weights are arguably the best way to increase muscle mass and build strength.

Weight Machines

Weight machines are another popular way of increasing strength. Other Strength And Stamina Exercise Equipment :


Resistance exercise equipment such as Bowflex is also very good at building strength. You will find all types of strength and stamina exercise equipment at any gym or fitness center exercise equipment at any gym or fitness center. (By Terry Edwards)


Chris said...

I've been working out for over 25 years. Over the last 5 years I've been working out at home on a Bowflex. I love free weights, but having 500Ibs. laying around can be a pain.

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