Weightloss Fact

[caption id="attachment_324" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Weight Loss"]Weight Loss[/caption]

10 Weightloss Myths and Tips

1) Weight Loss Myth 1 - Eat Fat-Free to Lose Weight

Truth is, most low fat foods have added sugar. Added sugar means you will gain weight. Best way to eat low-fat is to eat fresh vegetables, fruits and lean meats.

2) Weight Loss Myth 2 - Fast to Lose Weight

Many people say they loseweight fasting yet fasting doesn't lean toward long term weight loss. Gradually lowering the amount of food you eat and eating healthier is still key for weight loss.

3) Weight Loss Myth 3 - Sugar-free means weightloss.

Not only do they affect brain chemicals, they also affect taste making regular sugar taste less intense, thereby causing individuals to use more sugar than necessary.

4) Weight Loss Myth 4 - Coffee Drinks Aren't That Bad.

Did you know that a mocha frappuccino has 15 grams of fat and nearly 400 calories and an iced green tea latte has 290 calories and 9 grams of fat (source, starbucks.com)?

5) Weight Loss Myth 5 - Eliminate All Fats

Truth is, fat decreases hunger and helps the food keep you satiated longer. It's more important to eat the right fats in moderate amounts when you are trying to eat less.

6) Weight Loss Tip 1 - Sleep As Much As Possible

7) Weight Loss Tip 2 - Smile At Everyone

Smiling is a natural mood enhancer.

8) Weight Loss Tip 3 - Plan Ahead

Some quick food thoughts - celery and carrot sticks, hummus with crackers, fruit, raisins, nuts, cheerios, nut butters on crackers.

9) Weight Loss Tip 4 - Eat Half of Meal Portions when Eating Out.

Also, stick with water with lemon or lime when eating out to save hundreds of unnecessary calories and aid digestion. (One large restaurant soda has 10-16 teaspoons of sugar and on average 150-200 calories. 10)

10) Weight Loss Tip 5 - Eat Without Distraction.

Eating in front of the television is never going to help you lose weight. Eat first, then turn on the television and enjoy your programs separately from your food. (By Jenifer Shapiro)


Jeff Atkinson said...

Nice writing style. I look forward to reading more in the future.

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